
The best high school football teams have a vision of their future season. They don’t just set goals. Look up vision in your dictionary. There are several definitions, but I like this one, “The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.”

Football players that have vision give lots of their time, during the off season, to lifting weights, to speed and agility drills, to studying the playbook, throwing and catching the football, etc. That vision motivates them.

The actual football season is very short. Most high school football players will be done playing football their senior year. The season of football in their lives is over quickly.

Life in general is very short also. Most men and women will live into their seventies. A teenager thinks seventy years of age is an eternity away. But the time will fly by just as quickly as your high school football career does. Do you have a vision for your life?

The founders of this country had a vision as they stepped on those small sailing ships in Europe. The people who left the confines of the east coast of this country and headed west had a vision. The individuals in this country today that start new businesses and want to provide a better life for their family have a vision.

Do you have a vision for the spirituality of your family’s future?

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision (no redemptive revelation of God), the people perish; but he who keeps the law (of God, which includes that of man)—blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he.