It’s a Great Day for Football

Football is a game that is played in all types of weather. Rain, wind or snow the game can still be played. The only weather that will stop a football game in Kansas is the thunderstorm with lightning, and even then we only delay for a little bit, until we can start again.

Even in really cold weather we just put on a few more clothes under our pads and uniforms and play the game. The crowd might not be as large as a perfect fall weather evening, but even in the most brutal weather, there are plenty of fans at the games.

How about your church going? Are you one of the hardy breed of church goers that go no matter what the weather is doing, just like that hardy bunch of football fans? Or are you one of those fair weather fans who only show up at the football game and church on nice days.

I wonder what God thinks about us when we go to the football game in all types of weather, but won’t go to church on bad weather days?

Psalm 122:1 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.”

Are you glad to go to church?