
Back when I was a young single guy, I spent a lot of time at the bar. We all knew each other by name. We played pool, snooker, darts and all other types of games. We talked about everything from sports, politics, religion and women. I felt accepted. If I didn’t show up the other guys would call on the phone and want to know why wasn’t I there?

Today, I spend a lot of time at church. I know everybody that walks in the door. My family feels accepted at the two different churches we go to. But within those churches some people have said and done things to make other people feel unaccepted at the one place on earth that everyone should be accepted equally no matter what.

For instance, when someone tells me about children making noise at church, I respond with this comment, “Children are the rebirth of this church. Those kids being in church is way more important than us being able to hear the pastor while preaching.”

No matter who walks through the door into the church, our job is to make those strangers feel accepted. Jesus is the only answer to all of our needs here on this earth and when folks are looking for Him they need to see Him in us.